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French Resistance, called on France " La Résistance", designates the set of movements and networks that during World War II continued the struggle against the Axis and his deputies since the Armistice of June 22, 1940 collaborationist to the Liberation in 1944. Its members were known as "Partisans".
The resistance was a movement formed by Frenchmen who did not accept the submission of the French State to the  nazi power, and who were disillusioned with Pétain and his collaborationist policy. The establishment of the National Revolution put an end to political parties and trade unions, to serve these patriot interests, forcing the scattered resistance groups to unite in the fight against the common enemy, to achieve the liberation of the country. " ...

        Source: Quikwiki

(video: Battle in Seattle)

The intention with the sharing of information that you are about to get, does not reflect in any way, implicitly or  explicitly some kind of political or religious trend but, ethics for detailed information and transparency. Each individual should,  by its own means, NOW, make sure of that information and as a result, as far as possible, ensure the sustainability of the environment and the fulfilment of human rights, and this is not a reality for the inhabitants of the cities due to, of course, for the consumerism that they are required. If the next revolution is not a revolution of mentalities, of course, later, it  will be a revolution of "clones"... FIGHT FOR YOU AND FOR MANKIND!